December 2024
It has been an extraordinary year
If you haven’t already done so, see the highlights from the first half of the year below—and we do mean highlights!
Then, take a look at this latest entry as we put a bow on the ribbon for 2024
As always, thank you for journeying with us!
In 2024, delegations from Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, and other nearby countries visited TAGS to study our best practices and learn “how it’s done” firsthand.
Edith Murogo hosting visitors to TAGS from the East Africa region
Pro tip: there must be time to dance!
When we say “best practices,” it is not just a catchphrase. Per Edith, TAGS’ success rate, by which we mean girls who complete their schooling each year, is, go ahead, guess… If you said 100%, you are correct. The description of TAGS as a “Model” and “Leading” Shelter is not an exaggeration. We have covered quite a distance since our startup year in 2012!
How do we do it? What is the “secret sauce”? It begins with Edith’s leadership, of course. Her team is committed to providing a quality education for every girl, tailored to their aptitude and capability.
We do not “warehouse” the girls or play a numbers game. We give each girl everything we would give our own children, namely, as fine an educational opportunity as we can manage. Several have earned college diplomas. We now have students in graduate school! What life-changing journeys these girls have made.
Given their backgrounds, the TAGS girls need more than just academics. They are also supported by psychosocial professionals, some of whom are paid and some of whom volunteer. We want to thank volunteers Dr. Judith Davis, Dr. Diane Wulfsohn-Saulson, and Sherri Alper, all from the US, who have worked with the girls and staff (who need care, too!), either remotely or in person, during the past year. Special thanks go to Erin Shattuck, our young American friend who runs camp programs and has just returned from Kenya after leading her fourth annual (!) growth and leadership retreat.
Sherri Alper leading Art Therapy at TAGS, July 2024
A number of our girls have been admitted to nationally recognized high schools, where, in addition to learning, they will make the kinds of social and personal connections that facilitate future upward mobility. As in many places in the world, such relationships are key when it comes to climbing the socioeconomic ladder. These are especially valuable to the TAGS girls—who are starting from the lowest rung. Quality schools, quality support, quality education, and quality people are the path to quality lives. It has been more than a joy to see this all unfold.
Congratulations to Daria, who has just received her Bachelor of Education degree from Kenya's St. Paul's University. We are all smiling with you, Daria!
After enduring years of neglect, abuse, and interrupted schooling, Daria found refuge at TAGS, where she received the care and encouragement she needed to rebuild her life. TAGS provided her with not only a safe space but also ongoing support that enabled her to complete her education.
Today, Daria is a proud graduate of St. Paul’s University, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. Despite numerous obstacles, including losing her initial scholarship due to the pandemic, TAGS stepped in to ensure she could complete her studies. The shelter also supported her as a single mother, covering her daughter’s education, allowing Daria to focus on her academic and personal growth. Her graduation on November 15, 2024, is a shining example of resilience and the life-changing power of education.
So, it is time for our End-of-Year Appeal!
If you are making donations as 2024 comes to a close, of any size, please consider including the Tali Fund in your giving. In this often upside-down world, you will be doing something to make young lives immeasurably better.
The Tali Fund's support for TAGS is unique in that it does not place restrictions on its funds. It gives Edith and her team the ability to meet the girls' needs in a “360-degree” manner."
Other than the bank transfer fees we are assessed, which amount to less than 1% (!) of what we collect, your entire contribution goes to support the Talia Agler Girls Shelter. We invite you to compare the number with that of any other charity.
So again, if you are making year-end donations, taking RMDs, selling appreciated securities, or just giving because it’s the right thing to do, the Tali Fund is here for you. Click the DONATE button or go to, where you will find further information. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask or any time.
Thank you for making a difference. Thank you for bringing hope and promise to those who through no fault of their own, would otherwise have little of either. And thank you for joining us in
saving the world—one life at a time.
Thank you!
P.S. With the upcoming change in the US Administration, Amb. Whitman will be departing her post. Before doing so, she wrote to Edith. Here is an excerpt from her letter:
"Thank you for the courageous work you do to fight the most heinous forms of modern-day slavery, trafficking, and sexual and gender-based violence. The survivors I met during my visit to the Talia Agler Girls Shelter touched me deeply and opened my eyes to the dedication and perseverance required to support the survivors' reintegration into society. I admire your tremendous strength in advocating for the most vulnerable among us. . . All my best wishes, Meg"
Thank you, Madam Ambassador! We wish you only the very best in your future endeavors.
US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman visits TAGS. January, 2024
summer 2024
Edith Murogo Honored by US State Department!
Recognized as a “TIP HERO” for her work countering Human Trafficking through the Talia Agler Girls SHelter in Nairobi
US Secretary of State, A. Blinken, presenting TIP Hero award to Edith Murogo. State Department, Washington, DC | June 24, 2024
The US Department of State honored ten persons from around the globe for their work countering “Trafficking-In-Persons” (TIP) in 2024. No doubt influenced by the visit to TAGS by US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman (see article below), TAGS’ Founder, Guiding Light, and CEO Edith Murogo was one of them! The ten were brought to Washington, DC to be recognized, feted, and further supported by the US Government. Secretary of State Antony Blinken led the program.
At a ceremony at the State Department on June 24, Edith was chosen to represent the ten honorees by giving the featured address. You can see the entire proceedings at this link. [Edith receives her award from the Secretary of State at 17:10 and delivers the featured address from 21:05—26:50.]
You can also go to our Video Gallery link and see a “bootleg” recording (haha, gratitude to Bob Alper!) of Edith’s speech alone.
Edith Murogo delivering her speech representing nine fellow honorees from across the globe for their work countering human trafficking. US Department of State | June 24, 2024
No surprise—
Edith’s award and speech covered by African media
This link connects you to her story in The Nation, Kenya’s largest newspaper.
This article from The Africa Report includes a mention of the Talia Agler Girls Shelter.
And also by the Manchester, VT Journal. This is a wonderfully written article!
Hey there, you’re a rock star!
Because she's our rock star, and since she went on tour after receiving the State Department award, what else could we do but print up some t-shirts!
On the front:
Edith Murogo US Tour 2024
Trafficking in Persons Hero Award
On the back:
Oh, just zoom in. ;-)
Special thanks to Tovah at Millennial Tops and Ts for design and delivery!
February 2024
Of all the places she could have gone to recognize a positive and constructive response to the scourge of human trafficking, US Ambassador to Kenya Meg Whitman chose the Talia Agler Girls Shelter in Nairobi. We are honored by her praise for the accomplishments of TAGS Founder–CEO Edith Murogo, the members of her devoted staff, and above all, the girls who have fought their way back to lives of potential and opportunity in the wake of horrific trauma. Thank you, Madam Ambassador!
On the occasion of her January 29 visit to TAGS, Ambassador Whitman (right of poster) posted on X/Twitter, "I’m inspired by the resilience of these young women who are rebuilding their lives as survivors of human trafficking. We can all do something to help." #EndHumanTrafficking.
january 2024
something else that is truly inspirational
Eileen Oginga, a CDTD-TAGS beneficiary, had her story produced by the US Dept. of Labor in coordination with the International Labor Organization. That these two organizations, each with global reach, chose to highlight one of our students is an affirmation and a testament to the work we do. It is well worth the watch. (6:14)